Field of Activities


Emmission Reductions

AL ENERJI has also been involved in the development, purchase and sell of emission reduction projects in cooperation with South Pole Carbon Ltd.

Emission Reduction (ER) is a term which suggests the environmental contribution of the projects that prevent emission of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.)

For example power generated with a wind plant replaces the power generated with a fossil-fuel plant, and prevents carbon dioxide emission to a certain extent.

This value, in other words one emission reduction, means 1 ton carbon dioxide emission reduction (1 ER = 1 ton CO2 reduction).

At the beginning, these emission reductions started being purchased and sold between the countries/organizations which were parties to the Kyoto Protocol, as a condition of the Protocol, and those who emission beyond the permitted value purchased these rights from the parties who prevented emission.

Then, Voluntary Market was formed together with the increasing environmental awareness, and the banks, associations, etc. organizations which are not obliged to reduce emission started buying these rights from emission reduction projects in the countries that did not sign Kyoto, such as Turkey, within the scope of social responsibility.

The aim is to support the technologies which seek power generation from renewable energy resources. These technologies are listed as geothermal, hydraulic, wind and biomass/gas.

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